3. Communicating Policies to the Workforce.

As has been stated throughout this Guide, your health and safety system must be shared with your workers – they are who it is intended for, so they must know how it works!

For further information, visit the page on Consultation and Communication. Communicating EVERY worker must have access to the Health and Safety Policy.

They should be given a copy on recruitment.

Pin a copy to all your noticeboards.

Put a copy in the canteen.

Have a copy in reception.

Give everyone a link to the health and safety folder in your shared drive.

Talk about the Policy at all work meetings.

Have a suggestion box, real or online, where workers can post suggestions and ask questions anonymously (ignore the nonsense and deal...

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You must make sure that everyone in your organisation knows what is in your policies. And you must obtain evidence that this is the case.

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