3. Young Persons

An employer must have an individual Young Person's Risk Assessment (YPRA) in place for each employee between the ages of 16 and 18.

You can find out more about how to conduct this risk assessment in Irregular Risk Assessments. Risks presented by a young person

Young people have none of the experience that older and more experienced workers can call on.

Consequently, they are more likely to be at risk of accident, can find it difficult to take in all the information thrown at them when they start, might be embarrassed to speak up when they don't understand for fear of appearing foolish, feel very nervous and worry about doing something wrong.

On the other hand, some young people put on a show of...

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Young people - defined as between 16 and 18 years of age, have differing health and safety requirements from the rest of the workforce, and employers must be able to demonstrate that they are looking after their young employees properly.

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