4. Annual Audit
There are many definitions of an audit but, discounting those relating to financial accounts, they all agree that an audit is “the independent inspection or examination of something such as a building, or a system, to determine its safety and efficiency and to produce a report detailing the findings”. It is important that the annual health and safety audit is seen as a big deal.
The health and safety system will be monitored against the policy.
Records will be examined, statistics drawn up.
There is no denying that an external, independent audit will carry more weight than one conducted by the Competent Person or Director as both these people can be seen as having a strong interest in the results and could, maybe, be...
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The health and safety system must be audited every year. This is to ensure the system is "live", is being used correctly, and is doing its job of keeping everyone affected by the organisation's activities safe and healthy.
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