6. Health and Safety File

The Principal Designer is responsible for ensuring that a health and safety file is put together for the project.

Contents of the Health and Safety File Description of the work carried out Hazards that have not been eliminated e.g. asbestos, land contamination, underground services etc Key structural principles e.g. bracing, stored energy, safe working loads (SWLs) etc Hazardous materials that were used Information about moving or dismantling installed plant and equipment The nature, location and markings of significant services such as underground cables, gas supply equipment, fire-fighting services, lift motor rooms etc Information and as-built drawings of the building, its plant and equipment e.g. the means of safe access to and from service voids, fire doors, compartmentalisation and so on. Anything else that you think...

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Construction projects which involve more than one contractor must have a health and safety file to be handed over to the client on completion of the works. The file will provide information that is likely to be needed to ensure the health and safety of all during any subsequent work such as maintenance, cleaning, refurbishment and demolition.

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