6. Subcontractors
A subcontractor is a person or company who carries out work in the name of your organisation.
This means that if the subcontractor causes an accident or near miss, it is your organisation that will be investigated in any resulting court case. You must therefore make sure that any subcontractor you engage, whether a self-employed individual or a whole company, is competent to carry out the assigned work.
YourHS.space recommends that all subcontractors complete an appropriate subcontractor assessment, which demonstrates that you have carried out due diligence and are using the right people for the job. Subcontractors often use their own plant and equipment.
If these are not properly maintained and cause an accident as a result, your organisation will carry some or all of...
On this page
An explanation of why you must make sure that the safety of plant and equipment used by your subcontractors is also your responsibility.
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